Better known as “tapping”, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a practice that combines gentle tapping on key acupressure points while consciously focusing on concrete emotions or themes.
Similar to acupuncture but without needles, EFT uses gentle fingertip tapping in order to stimulate the flow of subtle energy in the meridian system thereby restoring balance to the disrupted energy.
As with most holistic therapies, EFT operates on the assumption that a disruption in energy is the cause of all negative emotion, pain and disease. Emotional stress held in the body can impede its natural healing ability.
During a tapping session, we engage the thinking mind as a way to focus on memories or situations we would like to work on. The repetitive stimulation of chi calms our stress centre (amygdala), an area responsible for processing fearful and threatening stimuli. As we keep tapping, our brainwave patterns change, allowing us to access deeper states of consciousness in a peaceful and easy way, through which cognitive shifts can be accomplished and consciously integrated.
EFT can be highly effective in dealing with stress and anxiety, since stimulating the flow of chi relaxes the amygdala, allowing us to process whatever is causing the stress in a safe way. Real cognitive shifts and behavioural changes often follow an EFT session. Therapeutic tapping, that is guided by a trained practitioner, can help in improving many aspects of our lives, such as dealing with traumatic memories, changing self limitations, releasing pain and creating and unlocking what is holding us back from achieving that vision we have for the future.